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Recent Skincare and Makeup Favourites

 I've never been hugely into beauty. My routine has always been simple and I prefer a more natural look when it comes to my makeup. This is partly because I'm lazy and would rather spend an extra half hour in bed and also because I'm really not that great at doing it. I did not grow up in the age of youtube tutorials or instagram filters. Contouring was not a thing, eyebrows were over-plucked and for someone with fair skin like myself, the orange foundation line around the chin was a daily occurrence. For someone who likes a minimal look it's been surprisingly hard trying to find products that work for me. I wouldn't describe my skin as problematic, it's definitely always dehydrated (I need to remind myself to drink more water on a regular basis) and I'm prone to the odd breakout and redness, especially around my chin. I'd rather spend my money on other things so affordability is a big factor in my makeup purchases too.  Recently I've been loving usi

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